Day 19! - Something New!
Because notebooks. They're awesome.

Day 18! - Just a Doodle!
If you've seen most of my drawings, you might notice I don't draw 'hands'. Well, that's actually what they're supposed to be, but I draw...

Day 17! - Plant!
So, for this drawing, it was inked, but I loved the way it looked with just the colors! 😀 Happy Friday!!!!

Day 16! - Inspiration!
I have so many people who inspire me, so I just picked most of them! This isn't all of them, either! I couldn't fit them all on the...

Day 15! - Family Picture!
How most of our family pictures look: Josh and I trying to give each other bunny ears and Mom and Dad standing normally in the back....

Day 14! - Fairytale!
I spent A LOT of time on this one! Goldilocks and the Three Bears is one of my favorite fairytales! I was deciding between this one and...

Day 13! - Comic
I didn't have as much time to work on this comic as I wanted to. But, oh well! I think it's fine. ...Monday.....

Day 12! - Accomplishment!
This was probably the coolest moment in my whole entire life.

I love TobyMac's songs! He's one of my favorite artists ever! :D Also, as you can probably tell, I'm trying a new drawing style. I love...

Day 11! - Turning Point in my Life!
Ooh! This one's an interesting one! You get a story about it, too! When I was in sixth grade, I was VERY dramatic. Every little thing...