Ignite Denver Voting!!

My speech is the 'Youngest Speaker Submission' at Ignite Denver 26!
And now, Spark Voting is Live! PLEASE VOTE FOR MY SPARK/SPEECH: "What is a Legacy?", so I can speak at Ignite Denver 26 on June 8th. Voting closes on Friday, May 5th.
Important Voting Rules: Please rank ALL the Sparks for Ignite Denver 26 on a scale of 1 - 5. Vote for ALL the talks, not just for your one friend. (I.e. If you only vote one talk as a 5 and the rest 0's, your vote will be removed.)
My Speech is listed as:
"What is a Legacy?
Legacies live on long after the people who create legacies are gone. Hear from the insight of a bright 13 year old."
Click here to vote:
Thank you so much!!!