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Day 8 - My mother always said...

My mother always told me this one verse. Joshua 1:9; "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

I have a picture of this verse in my room and so does my little brother. My mom said that this verse got her through the tough times in her life. I think that's why she named my little brother Joshua. Because you need courage to face what life throws at you. And God will always be there with you. I remember this one song that said "The God of angel armies is always by my side." 

Back when this song was released, I was still scared of the dark. I hated walking from my parents' room to mine, even with the light on. I would sing this song whenever I was alone or if I was scared. I always loved the idea that God has an army ready to fight all the bad stuff that could come my way. Those two verses made me think of God more like a real friend, rather than a symbol of something. It made me feel like I can always talk to him whenever I'm feeling down.

Because sometimes it's hard to stay courageous. Those are the times we need to talk to God, too. It's good to talk to God when everything is going your way, too.

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